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Love the visuals, level design, sounds and music, and mechanics. Level 10 having a platform that isn't really a platform was frustrating, but the other levels were very fun. Great work

Thanks for playing, I watched the stream and saw you get frustrated, haha. I will definitely make some tweaks to a few things. I'm glad you liked it.


Great mechanics and combination of them. Got to sublevel 11, activated both yellow plateforms but nothing happened, maybe I missed something.

Progression was very well done and that made the difficulty enjoyable.

Tablets to guide the player were a great touch. Handling of the character could be better but parachute felt good. Very nice entry overall!


Really cool game, I enjoyed it greatly


What a great idea and execution :)

I loved the style, and the inclusion of things like the denderra light! And the descriptions on the tablets were also super well done. The one about the fool missing opportunities was a great realisation moment!

The pacing was great, introducing the game mechanics one by one and then combining them.

This is one of my favourites of the jam!

I did get stuck in sublevel 10 though with the wind. It pushed me up against a brick while I was in the air and I couldn't get down and had to restart, so I would list the reset button being backspace in the controls in the main menu, cause I only figured it out by pressing a bunch of keys

Thanks for the feedback! Were any of the puzzles too hard/easy?


Really nice work, beautiful art style, music and general SFX are simple in a wonderful way that highlight the theme. Great job and congrats on the Jam!

Thanks a lot! How was the difficulty?


I didn't get it 100% finished but got to Level 8 or 9 and I had no issues particularly.  The different form being on a different map was perhaps conveyed a little less clearly than it could be but I have no real suggestion on how to fix it, and once I worked it out it was quite intuitive.